What would your perfect workday include?

Coming alongside a client or a co-worker and serving by helping them solve or deal with a problem they are facing.

What is your favorite place in the whole world?

Can I have two? Being with my family at our cabin in Starlight, PA or at Word of Life Pines in the Adirondacks.

What Core Value of JHA most resonates with you, and why?

Empowered with Process: Our team is given responsibility and also the authority to take charge and own it. Our processes and procedures act like the guiderails that provide direction and guidance that people desire. Multiple lanes exist between those guiderails and our team is empowered to switch lanes in the moment as needed to get the job done. No micromanagement required. That said, we are all surrounded by awesome peers who are ready and willing to help to lend a helping hand or giving advice on decisions. The way we do things can always be questioned. We won’t continue to do things a certain way because that how we have always done it.

What is your favorite possession?

First, my eternal security having received by faith salvation through Jesus Christ and the hope, present help, and abundant life I have experienced as a result.

What is guaranteed to make you laugh?

Scaring people when they least expect it or watching someone else get scared and seeing their reaction!

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Becoming a father and provider for my family.

Head over to “Joe’s Story” on our blog to read the rest!

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