GIS Services

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a powerful tool that assists clients with site selection and planning, infrastructure design, utility mapping, land parcel identification, 3D modeling, environmental impact assessments, land surveying, and geotechnical analysis. Using this technology, JHA’s GIS professionals can visualize various kinds of available land data which greatly contributes to efficiency and accuracy when planning engineering projects.

JHA’s team uses GIS to analyze and select suitable sites for development, taking into consideration factors such as topography, land use, environmental constraints, and infrastructure availability. It also aids in identifying optimal locations for infrastructure development. In addition, we can assess the impact of proposed developments on the existing environment, helping understand how changes in land use will affect the surrounding areas, supporting informed decision-making for our clients.

GIS is a technology that makes it possible to create dynamic and interactive maps as a visual representation of data, as compared to traditional static maps. Types of mapping that are helpful for many projects include:


  • Category Maps
    • Used to represent qualitative data, where information is divided into discrete classes rather than continuous values, such as Land Use & Cover, Zoning, Vegetation, Soil, Ecosystem, and Census Maps.
  • Heat Maps (also known as Density or Hotspot Maps)
    • Used to visualize and analyze the spatial distribution of data points, where areas with higher concentration are depicted with more vibrant or warm colors, while areas with lower values are represented with cool colors. These are typically used with crime analysis, environmental monitoring, population studies, marketing and business analysis, and healthcare.
  • Cluster Maps
    • These are a visualization technique used to identify and represent clusters or groups of similar data points within a geographic area and are used to help users identify patterns, concentrations, or spatial groupings of data that may not be immediately apparent when looking at raw data. Frequently used in crime analysis, environmental studies, retail analysis, healthcare, and emergency response.
  • Bubble Maps
    • Thematic maps that use symbols, typically circular bubbles, to visualize the geographic distribution and characteristics of data points. Typically used for demographic analysis, business analysis, environmental monitoring, public health, and real estate.
  • Quantity Maps
    • Another type of thematic map used to represent data by assigning different shades or colors to geographic regions. These allow users to quickly grasp the relative distribution of data and identify areas with high or low concentrations of the mapped attribute. Best used with demographic analysis, environmental studies, economic analysis, public health, and market research.

project leaders:

Travis Long, CEP

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