Feburary 15, 2022 | Phil Izon is one of the first friendly faces you see before getting hired at JHA, and that’s because he is our HR Director: specifically, our Director of Team Member Development. Originally from Maine, Phil had an interesting journey that led him to to JHA nearly 4 years ago. He graduated from Trinity College of Florida, hoping to become a youth pastor. Shortly after, Phil realized that was not the direction the Lord was leading him at that time, so he moved to NH and got a job working in sales for a couple years. Hearing that a local school needed a principal, he applied and was hired. While working there, Phil was introduced to a teacher who would later become his wife, Tammy.

After a few years, Phil felt the Lord directing his career elsewhere, and while out looking for jobs, he found the local grocery store, Hannaford, was looking for an HR manager. Phil did not have any experience doing human resources but was eager to learn something new. He was hired! Fast forward 7 years, Phil and his wife moved back to New Hampshire to work in ministry, and he also held several different HR jobs. In 2017, Phil had a providential meeting with Joe Hunt at Word of Life Pines Campground. He ended up playing volleyball with Joe, and a friendship grew. Joe told Phil they would need an HR person soon at his company, Joe Hunt & Associates, and Phil came to fill that position in May of 2018! 

Phil attributes all his successes and happenings in life to the hand of the Lord and the generosity and patience of his mentors. Even when he couldn’t see where God was guiding him at the time, Phil always trusted the Lord’s timing and direction. He really loves the culture Joe has created at JHA and the team atmosphere. Phil puts it simply: “What you see is what you get. There is no backstabbing. Everyone is here to help each other get the job done.” JHA also encourages growth for our employees which allows Phil to work towards his MBA. He knows that it will help him professionally, which will in turn help the company.

In his free time, Phil spends as much time as he can with his family. He has been married to his wife, Tammy, for 17 years. She is Phil’s best friend and confidante. Tammy and Phil have 3 children: Kendra, 15, Audrey, 13, and Owen, 4. As a family, they love to spend time at the beach or exploring new places. Phil loves to hunt, maple sugaring in the winter, keep bees, fly fish, and garden.  

What is your name?

Phil Izon

What would your perfect workday include?

Attending a BBQ competition

What is your favorite place in the whole world?

Lost Pond, in Pleasant Ridge Plantation, Maine with a fly rod in my hand and Brook Trout jumping all around me just a sunset

What Core Value of JHA most resonates with you, and why?

People Matter Most: Because we are created to be relational. Everything we do is about people; either our families, friends, team members, clients or strangers. We are put here on earth to glorify God and a significant way we do that is through how we live our lives in relation to others.

What is guaranteed to make you laugh?

Dry humor

What is your greatest accomplishment?

By God’s grace, raising children who love God.

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