Team Member Spotlight: Logan Mack, P.E.

Logan Mack, PE from JHA Companies

Like JHA, Logan Mack’s roots are firmly planted in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He grew up on a dairy farm near Montrose, PA and describes his childhood as “a very active lifestyle, helping around the farm, going to school, playing a lot of sports.”

Logan hasn’t slowed down since: “anything you can do outdoors, you can usually find me doing–hunting, hiking, a little fishing, I’m getting into that a little more, kayaking. When I’m not outdoors, you can usually find me either in a shop working on a piece of equipment or in a wood shop working on a piece of wood. And on rainy days when I don’t feel like doing anything, I’m usually sitting on the couch with a book.”

Being an avid reader, curious by nature, and with two cousins being prominent engineers, going to college was a natural step for Logan. “I went to Penn State University. I started out at the Wilkes Barre campus. Originally, I was going for land surveying, but one professor informed me about the dual degree program. So, I did 3 years at Penn State Wilkes Barre for my land surveying degree, then finished out at Penn State Harrisburg for my civil engineering degree.”

Family is big for Logan. “Home life means a lot to me. I grew up in a big family with several siblings and many cousins. I am blessed with the family I have and the support and the guidance that I’ve had from various family members.”

Working at JHA is a natural fit for Logan. “The reason I’ve stayed here is a very easy question to answer: it’s the people and the culture. It’s a lot of little things that build up to one really great place to work and a lot of great people. Joe [Joe Hunt, Founder/Owner of JHA] is very down to earth, caring; a great person to work for. He cares about his employees, he cares about community, and it’s developed the entire culture of the company.” Like many on the JHA team, Logan is appreciative of the culture of development at JHA. “All the upper management people have been great in mentoring me and providing me with projects that actually force me to progress. I started out as a land surveyor in the field, boots on the ground, getting the data, and they’ve moved me through taking that data and processing it, to developing design plans, to providing deliverables to the client, to managing projects and personnel, and finally accumulating to getting my license as a Professional Engineer this year. It’s really helped me to progress as a person and in my career over the years.”

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