Developing land 1-acre in size or more requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit in order to avoid the potential for stormwater runoff polluting regulated waters. These permits have two variations, Individual and General. General NPDES permits are typically evaluated by a local County Conservation District or State DEP Office. Individual NPDES permits are more involved and are typically used on projects located within specialty drainage basins, such as those designated as High Quality, Exceptional Value, or Tier 3 and Above stream.
A complete NPDES permit submission includes several forms (obtained from the county or the Department of Environmental Protection), maps, erosion control plans, post construction stormwater management (PCSM) plans, appropriate modules, and review fees including an administrative fee, review fee, and an earth disturbance fee. The General Permit is typically approved in a shorter time frame because of the less involved process, whereas the Individual Permit requires several additional steps that can add considerable time and expenses.
Our team has a strong record of delivering innovative, effective, and comprehensive stormwater management solutions for our clients, as well as maintaining solid relationships with regulators who have come to trust the work we prepare with quality, organized submissions from skilled personnel.