The Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority (NTSWA) was preparing to expand their land fill operation across Steam Hollow Road in West Burlington Township, causing a permanent closure of a portion of the existing Township road. In order to allow access to the State Game Lands and three existing natural gas well pads, the road would need to be accessed from another side of the landfill, which also resulted in a need to replace an existing bridge, due to the heavy loads that would be utilizing the road. It was decided that a CON/SPAN concrete arch bridge would be the best solution for the Township.
JHA coordinated the project with the staff of the NTSWA, who in turn coordinated with the Township. JHA provided a wetlands study of the area surrounding the bridge, and a biologist from JHA did an on-site wetland review and prepared a letter which addressed any wetlands found at the site. JHA performed a boundary and topographic land survey of the project area. Then JHA submitted a GP-11 permit to the PA DEP. A geotechnical subcontractor was utilized to perform geotechnical borings and prepared report. JHA modified the CON/SPAN foundation design with an H-Pile foundation system. JHA also designed the roadway approaches and prepared the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans for the bridge. In addition, right of way easements were obtained for the bridge. JHA produced construction bid documents and advertised the project on PennBid. Upon completion of the project, JHA’s structural engineer and bridge inspector visited the site to ensure the bridge was properly installed.