• Client: Appalachian Realty Holdings LLC
  • Location: Wyalusing Township, Bradford County, PA
  • Services: Wetlands Delineation, T&E Species Evaluation; Chapter 105 General Permits; Wetlands Mitigation; E&S Plan; NPDES Permit; Flood Hazard Area Certification.

JHA Companies worked with a commercial developer to develop a commercial site plan in Wyalusing Township, Bradford County, PA. JHA personnel completed an environmental evaluation and wetlands delineation on a 26-acre, undeveloped tract of land for the proposed commercial development. JHA field studies found that the site contained several wetlands and a stream on the property. The wetlands were delineated and mapped per PADEP and USACE protocol, and a Wetlands Delineation Report was generated. A database search of the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) was completed to assure that there were no previously reported sightings of Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species (RTE) in the area. Combined with JHA field observations, an RTE Evaluation was competed for the project site.

JHA environmental consultants then worked with our site design team to develop a site plan for the project which would limit environmental impact while still meeting all of the client’s needs. PADEP permits were obtained to authorize the driveway crossing of a regulated stream and associated wetlands. To offset the loss of Regulated Waters due to this development, JHA designed an onsite Wetlands Mitigation Plan.

JHA Engineers developed a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan which would minimize the temporary impacts typically associated with land development projects. This plan was submitted to the Bradford County Conservation District for review and approval. They also certified that the proposed development was outside of the Flood Hazard Area of the Susquehanna River.

project leaders:

Joseph Hunt, PE, PLS

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