• Client: Shingle Hollow, LLC
  • Location: Buckingham Township, Wayne County, PA
  • Services: Environmental Permitting, Dam Removal Authorization, Joint Permit Application

JHA Companies was hired by the Shingle Hollow Group, LLC to prepare permits requested by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). The historic dam, located on Stockport Road in Buckingham Township, Wayne County, was constructed around 1845 and was found to be deteriorated and unstable through a geotechnical investigation coordinated through our office.

JHA prepared an application for Dam Removal Authorization by the PADEP in order to breach and remove the structure. JHA prepared the necessary applications, permit drawings, and construction details for this undertaking. In order to apply for the authorization, JHA prepared and received authorization of Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plans from Wayne Conservation District.

In conjunction with removal of the dam, the client desired to install a new stream crossing to access his property. The watershed which flows through the crossing is considered a special protection watershed, so the PADEP required a Joint Permit for the crossing. JHA prepared the necessary application, which included a cultural resource notice, plant habitat surveys, coordination of a Phase 1 Archeological Survey, General Information Forms, hydrologic and hydraulic sizing calculations, and permit plans. JHA Companies staff of environmental scientists, engineers, AutoCAD technicians, and surveyors cooperatively prepared the necessary documentation for consideration by the PADEP and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

project leaders:

Joseph Hunt, PE, PLS

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